Genius girl, Li-sa-X, finally releases a debut album

A Japanese girl who was called pretty genius has come back in 2 years with more skills and expressions. You might see her incredible play on a previous post when she attracted attentions from a lot of musicians at first time.

Japanese 10 year old girl plays a role of genius
A guitar performance published on Youtube the other day has become a hot topic among music fans.Her play has made MTV ad...

Having a lot of fans all over the world, and her all instrumental music without a wall of languages, helps that people can get her songs before releasing officially on iTunes store in 119 countries.


The long-awaited album, Serendipity, releases on March 8

She could play difficult songs to cover like Racer X and Dream theater when she was a elementary school student, so her fans can’t help expecting what to bring for the new album. Anyway, let’s have a see the latest music video on Serendipity.

Was it enough to come out your interests? She’s supposed to have a lot of gigs for Serendipity, and we can frequently check her information on Facebook not to miss her gig when she comes to our places.