Do you agree that Tokyo holds the Olympics next summer regardless of coronavirus situation? Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike initially said that the Tokyo would do ‘whatever it takes’ to successfully achieve the games, and now the recent development of vaccines will become a ray of hope for holding. But how do ordinary citizens in Japan feel honestly?
A majority of Japanese people oppose holding the Olympics
The latest poll by NHK showed that just 27% of respondents support holding the games next year, with 32% backing cancellation and 31% favoring a further postponement. Besides, other major media like Kyodo and Jiji also found the almost same result. While Tokyo Metropolitan Government is still eager to hold on July 23 in 2021 as scheduled, the feelings of ordinary citizens are clearly changing among a third surge of coronavirus.
Why does Tokyo still stick to hold?
You should know that the main reason is obviously economic effect especially for damages by corona. In case of the cancelation, the total loss is expected to reach 300 billion dollars as maximum. It’s a critical blow anybody understands, but who cares money more than life?
For me as one of Japanese, I’d like to have Tokyo Olympics with many people from overseas as it should be the last opportunity in my life. I think any Japanese feels like that at the bottom of hearts. But we have to choose living not enjoying first for people who passed away due to corona. Thanks a lot for reading to the end.