Do you have enough masks against COVID-19? In Japan, we’re still struggling to get masks at any local stores or online shops although our government announced that the number of the stock was sufficient. As long as I see social media, many people over the world are trying to make handmade masks from various materials. Today, I’d like to introduce the best one that anybody can try straight away.
You only cut a sock 4 times to make a mask
All you need for your original masks is socks, scissors, and paper napkins. Here’s the amazing short movie being spread by Jayendra on Twitter and I’m very grateful to share. A lady who appears on the movie speaks in Spanish or Italian, but I’m sure anybody can do the same easily. Anyway, let’s watch the 2 minutes tip.
How was it? Actually, I’ve made 6 masks from 3 socks after watching this just in case and my favorite points for this tip are washable and affordable. As you might know, Japanese government has decided to give 2 masks to each household for over 400 million dollars although we haven’t got it yet. We should remember that we firstly use wisdom rather than money.