Anyone will get ¥100,000 payment as early as May if the preparation is good enough. Today, I’d like to tell what you now need to prepare for the subsidy. Please read carefully and be ready to have the financial help quickly!
You just confirm Resident registration, Bank account, and My number card
1, Resident registration
Regardless of any nationalities, you must be on the basic resident register at your municipality as of April 27. I think you’re already registered as long as you live in Japan. An application form of the subsidy will be mailed to your address registered after April 27.
2, Bank account
You’ll be required to fill in about your bank account on the application form to receive the money. The head of household can apply for everyone in the family, and total cash will be wired to his or her account.
3, My number card
If you have a My number card on hand, you can apply through the website not by mailing the application form. The green card is not necessary to apply, so please not to try to make it from now as it takes about a month!
That’s all I could tell you about the preparations. Remember, anyone has a right to get this subsidy, and no need to hesitate at all. I do hope everyone will get ¥100,000 properly, and our life is getting easier even a little.