A japper has been launched to the world today

First of all, we appreciate everything like opportunity, need, help, and things like that to give birth to this website.
We knew it’s quite difficult yet to have a website to introduce Japan in proper English but couldn’t help starting it because the time has just come for future.


A japper is a lively website focused on real Japan

We’d like to try to give some smart tips of the latest Japan like not to be seen in usual guide books or websites and our posts are all written by native Japanese with truth, passion, and affection.

At last, we’d like to tell you that today (August 15th) is defined as the day of the end of World War Ⅱ in Japan.
70 years ago today, Japan was at the edge of despair after surrender and there’s nothing except for sadness and anger.
But people shortly stood up with helping each other for the new beginning over the miserable end.

The beginning and the end bring about precious things in our life.
That’s one of the reasons we chose today to launch A japper not to forget the desolation of War for endless peace and step forward to new hope and history.
